Take ddownload look at the people in your life. Make Your Environment First Class Your mind is a product of your environment: the people you surround yourself with, the clothes you wear, the neighborhood you live in, the food you eat. Treat other people with basic human decency. This builds a loyal customer base and social group. Think: what can I do for other people? The Magic of Thinking Big Summary - David J. Service-first attitude: Give people more than they expect. YOU-are-important attitude: Others react positively to you when you make them feel important. Approach little interactions like handshakes with energy. Successful people convey three attitudes: Enthusiasm: You have to be enthusiastic if you want anyone else to get excited. 1-Page PDF Summary of The Magic of Thinking Big Think big : Ben Carson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveĬreate a Magnetic Attitude Your facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language all convey your attitude.The Magic of Thinking Big Book by David J.The Magic of Thinking Big Summary - David J.1-Page PDF Summary of The Magic of Thinking Big.